Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Can Pack for That: Singapore! Special Edition

Mes cheris my absolute favorite thing about blogging is hearing from all of you! The blogging community is the most amazing around and I love it when I get to talk to each of you directly, so when I heard from Kate last week...I was thrilled to respond and help!

Kate has been a total fan of the latest I Can Pack for That series I started, to give helpful travel packing inspiration boards for different travel destinations. Kate emailed me with a dilemma because she has a business trip coming up...to SINGAPORE! Right now, Singapore is HOT and RAINY. What is a professional fashionista to do? Good question! So...let's see what magic we can make. **SPOILER ALERT** This is a two part Packing How To post!

Concern #1: WEATHER
1- Bring light layers you can mix and match.
2- Be prepared: rain gear, sunnies, adapter, bug spray
3- Maintain a staple color i.e. nude and black

Concern #2: 30 HOUR FLIGHT!
1- E-READER for books, mags, & games
2- Laptop for movies and conference prep
3- Two Carry Ons: I ALWAYS use a large travel purse and a rolling laptop bag. 
I can fit as much as possible without breaking my back this way.
4- Be Comfy: Cardigan, blanket, mask, pillow, and an MP3 
5- Be Fresh: Hydrating Skincare, change of clothes, toothbrush, and makeup.
6- I always carry a journal to pen my travels!

Packing for travel can be daunting so if you feel you will be overwhelmed, start a few days early and slowly check things off your list. Be sure to pack by outfits so you know you have enough, and plan pieces that can change with each other to double your wardrobe. Singapore was definitely a special case with such extreme weather on top of a long flight, but you can always adjust where needed!

for any other locations!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Travels & Giveaway Winners

Happy Memorial Day mes cheris! Today I am actually in transit back to New York City and am hoping to do something lovely after my Memorial Day Travels! What weekend holiday fun have you participated in? I will tell you my trip to Savannah was perfect. It was great to spend some quality time with the fam and also great to be in such a beautiful southern city, even if its hard for me to live at such a slow pace, but I had a very happy Memorial Day vacation nonetheless!

{Thanks Katie}

Thanks so much for bearing with me as I took said much needed vacay, I got some sun, and plenty of sleep, and lots o' shopping done ;)  And I am SOOO sorry to delay your giveaway results! Therefore without any more rambling or further ado, I give you the invitation-only Pinterest Giveaway winners!!!

1) Karena of Art by Karena
3) Rosalyn of The Intrigue
5) Lauri
6) April of A.Liz Adventures
*Congratulations on your Wedding Day deary*
7) Tara of Haute Lunch
8) Stephanie
9) Andrea
10) Emily


I will be in contact with each of you this week 
with your special invitation to join Pinterest my dears!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Travel in Style: An Outfit for the Airport

I'm in beautiful Savannah, Georgia for the next few days my dears and I am so excited. Here's my comfortable but stylish outfit for the airport. I am a firm believer of traveling in style mes cheris, the luxurious days of the cute Pan Am girls may be behind us, but that doesn't mean we have to look like slobs when we fly. And make note, if you have never visited Savannah... you should absolutely get yourself down there!

And you of course can't forget the on flight entertainment! 
My Nook is with me always, no matter train, plane, or automobile!

Here is where I will be walking! Oh the beautiful South!

And since I'm off in travel mode, 
I'm delaying the GIVEAWAY!

That means you get an extended chance to be a winner! So bonne chance mes cheris!