Friday, February 19, 2010

Rock Bottom for a Reason

Although none of us seek them out, or await their arrival, hard times are inevitable and push us off our high horses into a pit of despair. Everyone goes through hard times, but the deciding factor in your future that can separate you from the crowd is what you do WITH your hard times. With every battle you face you are given a great occasion for growth.

Looking back on the hard times I have had, I realize that it was when I was at my weakest that my greatest doors of opportunity were opened. It was there, where I broke down and felt like there was nowhere else to go, that I got up dusted myself off and taught myself a new way to walk. You just have to adjust to the wrenches life may throw in your path and retrain yourself. You will be stronger in the end which will enable you to battle the next downhill, whenever it materializes.

It is all in your perspective, you can certainly wallow in your situation, or you can begin looking for the solution. "Yes, things are bad, so where do I go from here?" If you focus so long on the little thorn in your foot how will you ever look up to see that your dream is sitting right in front of you? I'm not sure what provoked this verbal inspiration today, but it gave me an excellent train of thought that I had to share with you darlings immediately...

*photo compliments of flickr*

When the sky starts falling, there's no better time to catch the stars and make your dreams come true.
~ Jessica Kelly


Anonymous said...

I loved this post. What awesome thoughts and beautifully written. I can look into my past at the lowest points and see that growth and lessons we learned.

Emma in Wonderland said...

A wise man (or possibly woman) once said; "It is only when we hit the bottom that we can bounce back up."

It's certainly been true in my case! It was only through hitting rock bottom that I even discovered I had a creative side.

I couldn't agree with you more, Jessica - it's not what happens, it's how you deal with it that counts.

I'm glad you seem to have bounced back up from wherever you were!
Em ♥

Couture Carrie said...

Totally inspirational post, darling!


Cafe Fashionista said...

That may be one of the best quotes I have ever, ever read. What a powerful post. :)

Copyright Rigmarole

Art is a product of original thought, creative compilation, and lots of blood, sweat, and please, please do not copy the content posted on this blog without permission.

Many photos are the property of Jessica Kelly Photography although not all are ghost marked, please do not use content unless an appropriate hyperlink back is created. And please shoot me an email... I like to spread the content love as a community.

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